Delmetal is a growing company active in the metal processing and trading sector, based in the Industrial area of Sindos in Thessaloniki. The company has a long-standing presence in the field of iron trading and processing since 1974, it is recognized as a reliable partner with a wide range of applications in various fields.
The solid foundations led the company to acquire state-of-the-art mechanical equipment to cover a wide range of metallurgical works in Greece and Europe.

Our concern is to consult our customers on the new materials which will serve them in their constructions

Our effort is facilitated due to our partnership with the Swedish steel mill SSAB which provides us with information, updates and training on the new materials. Ως συνεργάτες Hardox® Wearparts μπορούμε να διασφαλίσουμε όχι μόνο την σωστή επιλογή υλικού αλλά και την απόλυτα ασφαλή θερμική κατεργασία και διαμόρφωση του στα στενά όρια που τίθενται από τους κατασκευαστές.

Our specialized and fully qualified staff, consisting of highly- experienced engineers in metalworking, have been trained accordingly through trainings and seminars so as to provide thorough information about the materials and their processing. Human resources are our biggest investment, as a source of inspiration and development, while strengthening our corporate prestige


New machines
with high
speed and quality

Special materials
for each use

Ability to track
the processing phase
of the order
from the customer

Experienced and trained

Great response
time to the order
with short

Consultancy work
for the use of suitable
materials in the respective constructions
of the collaborating companies

High quality end result that reduces the number and time of additional treatments

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